StudyGita Mentorship ProgramPlease Submiit the below form & book your Appointment Gender Male Female Education Qualification Occupation How many hours you work daily? Explain the nature of your Job Marital Status Unmarried Married Divorced/Separated Widow(er) If UnmarriedWhom do you stay with? Do you plan to get married? If MarriedNature of Family Joint Family Nuclear Family Other: Details of family membersSpouse Name Spouse occupation Is he/she also a student of StudyGita Yes No Number of children and their age Anything else about your spouse or children Belief SystemDo you believe that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead? Do you worship any other deity? If yes, who? Spiritual practicesHow many rounds do you chant? Have you started offering daily something to Krishna? Do you observe Ekadashi? Food habitsAre you a vegetarian? Do you take Onion/Garlic? Do you consume any intoxicants? AddictionDo you have any type of addiction? Since how long you are connected to ISKCON? 0-2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years Initiated Do you visit the local ISKCON temple? Do you attend some other classes of ISKCON as well? How did you first come in touch with StudyGita? WhatsApp forward Friend recommendation YouTube Facebook Twitter Other Which all courses have you attended or currently attending? GitaMastery Course Caitanya Caritamrta GitaMadeEasy BhaktiYogaMadeEasy Vrindavana Yatra Discover Yourself Mention any 3 wonderful qualities of yours which you would like us to know Mention any 3 areas of improvement in you which you would like to work upon Mention any 3 things about your personalities perceived by your loved ones? Are there any health issues (physical /mental /emotional) which you are facing currently? Any other challenges which you are facing? Anything else you would like to share Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD) Upload your Image (Size < 5MB) Submit Please wait for the next Announcements! Meanwhile you can writeback to us